About Cerena

Hello. My name is Cerena and this is my writing. The intent of these works is to reveal how mythology functions throughout a variety of mediums—concrete and theoretical. Mythology is a mixture of metaphors, memories, and experiences that reveal our personal and collective identity. This site will utilize essays, current events, art, film, poetry, book reviews, and personal reflections to explore how mythology is active in how we conceive our selves, family, community, culture, and beyond.

Please feel free to contact me regarding my own work, your projects, or whatever else is inspiring you.

Here is a link to my LinkedIn profile.

13 thoughts on “About Cerena

  1. Hi! stumbled upon your blog, just right after I started searching for theories I can use for my thesis.

    I was just wondering if you could give me an idea on what theories I should be using for my thesis.
    The research question I’m currently looking at is ‘if there is a difference between how a homosexual male and a heterosexual male view gay fairy tales’.

    I hope you could help me with this. Thank you!


    1. Hi, Sorry for the delay in responding, I have been disconnected for the last few months and am just starting to re-engage. In regard to Fairy Tales, I would look into Marie-Louise von Franz and her approach to archetypal interpretation. Her writing is very fun and interesting to read.

      As far as sexuality goes, Jungian psychology asserts that every individual contains a masculine and feminine principle–the anima (feminine) and animus (masculine). I would recommend researching anima and animus and thinking about how a heterosexual and homosexual relationship with these principles are similar and different. Then I would read von Franz’ book, Interpretation of Fairy Tales.

      One aspect that is important to note is that von Franz articulated that Fairy Tales come from the collective unconscious and that in conducting an archetypal interpretation it is important to identify what is personal, socio-political, and what is from the realm of the archetypes. I talk about this in one of my posts on Fairy Tales, check it out. I imagine that she would say that the genre of gay fairy tales is located in the realm of Cultural Criticism and/or Queer Studies. If you are careful with your terminology and clear in your interpretive approach you should be fine.

      Let me know if this is helpful or if you would like any more feedback.



    1. Dear Leslie,
      Thank you for your kind regards. I am in the midst of my dissertation, but hope to return to writing in this forum in the near future. Your websites look intriguing and I look forward to perusing them more closely.


  2. Hi Cerena, would love to talk to you since I haven’t seen you since you we’re little. We miss your family and send our love.

    ~ your cousin Kirstin Malmquist Mayberry


  3. Hi Cerna – Interesting Site, I just read Existentialism and Post-Modernism. I am finishing up my MFA in Design at CCA in SF. My thesis is on the en/trance into non-ordinary reality. I started my journey with a close study of shamanism and I am currently studying language and jung’s archetypes and the collective unconscious. As a designed artifact I hope to compile my work into a field guide including interviews with shamans, psychologists, psychonauts, and others. I will further investigate your site but I would be interested in your point of view on this subject. Kind Regards, Mark


    1. Hi Mark, Thank you for your visit and feedback, it is greatly appreciated. Congratulations on finishing up your MFA, your topic sounds very interesting and I am sure that you have found that there is a great amount of material to explore. Is your writing/project online? What are your primary sources? What principles are going to structure your guide? Feel free to email me: (cdceaser [at] gmail [dot] com ). Warmly, Cerena


  4. Hi Cerena
    Your career path and interests are intriguing. How did you become interested in this line of work?
    ,I was a friend of Carl’s at PCC and South Pas High–in fact we went to the Prom together.We also went to lots of Pegasus fraternity parties together. It was never a serious romance, but we did have fun times together. He gave me tons of rides to and from PCC in his jazzy convertible. What a great dancer he was! We re met at our 50th reunion in 2012 in Pasadena. Same spark and love of life. I am sorry for your family’s loss. Fondly, Dianne Hart Thurman


    1. Hi Dianne,
      Thank you so much for your kind and warm comments. Also, thank you for tracking me down on wordpress. I really value reading about your memories, thank you so much for taking the time to share. He was a tremendous Dad, and I can’t tell you how much I miss him every day. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to reply, but I have not been very extroverted this last year (as you can imagine). Are you living in the Los Angeles area? Warmly, Cerena


  5. Hi – I came to your blog via your FB “About” – it was the only detail visible to me. You ‘poked’ me about a year ago, and I’m only just catching up with my pokes. Thrilling to find this very superior WP blog … I’ve just read the bit about Akhmatova, and will return to read much more. All best, Chelim Yrneh


    1. Hi Chelim, Thank you very much for your positive feedback, it is greatly appreciated. I have taken a bit of a hiatus from this blog to work on some other projects, but hope to start posting again regularly. Also, I will be sure to be checking out your site for inspiration and will be sure to be contributing with comments. Warmly, Cerena


  6. Thank you Cerena for the article about Alchemy and Hermetics, I just read at the SutraJournal. Like it very much.

    Pity so few writers about these subject(s) write in german – but I do – but german.
    Anyways … in case you visit Berlin – let me know!


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